Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation and Management

mPower Occupational Therapists can help you help you and your clients via:

Discharge Planning:Assisting in the discharge planning process by liaising with hospital therapists and medical personal to ensure that all the necessary equipment and supports are in place for a safe discharge home 

Home Visits:Assessing the client’s home environment to determine what, if any modifications are required in order to make your client’s home wheelchair accessible and allow them to function at their maximum level of independence 

Personal Care Assessment:Performing a thorough assessment of their personal care needs and providing recommendations on the supports and equipment required in order to allow your client to function as independently and safely as possible 

Community Follow Up:  Follow up of your client to ensure that they are maintaining their level of independence at home.  Regular reassessments of their functional status or of their seating and mobility needs for example will help to ensure that as your client ages or reacts to changes in medical status that support and assistance is always close at hand. 

Pressure Sore Prevention and Management:Throughout our therapeutic relationship with the client, we will analyze their equipment, sitting and lying surfaces and lifestyle and intervene accordingly to help prevent pressure sores from occurring.

In the event that your client has a pressure sore, our therapists can help by doing an assessment of what may have caused the sore.  The sore could be due to pressure resulting from a wheelchair cushion, a mattress, a commode or toilet seat, a bath seat, a vehicle seat, shearing caused by transfers, a fall, a crinkle in clothing, excess moisture on already fragile skin, poor nutrition or a multitude of other factors.   Once the cause is determined we can find a solution! We will make sure all aspects of pressure sore prevention and treatment are considered.  Sometimes this can be as simple as recommending a referral to a dietician to ensure that nutritional intake is appropriate for wound healing

Please note: The links below are not intended to provide medical advice but rather generalized information and the accuracy of the information has not been confirmed. For medical advice, please contact your physician.

Spinal cord injury facts:



Pressure Sores:

